Intended Parents Common Questions

  • Can we meet with our egg donor before the egg retrieval?

    Yes!! Our staff are happy to help facilitate meetings between egg donors and parents prior to starting the egg retrieval.

  • Is the egg donor’s education verified?

    We’re happy to obtain a certified copy of the donor’s transcripts for an additional charge.

  • What factors should I consider when choosing an egg donor?

    The perfect donor match is unique to each family! We’ll help you find the ideal fit by considering factors important to you, such as: medical history, education, physical characteristics, and values and personality.

  • What happens if I don't connect with any donors in the database?

    Finding the right donor takes time! We’ll help you refine your search or explore other options.

  • What are the different types of egg donation?

    Eggsplore the Possibilities offers three exciting paths to find your perfect partner in parenthood:

    Known Donation: Think of this as the “Get to Know You” Option! This is all about building a connection! Known donors are open to sharing identifying information. Many intended parents and egg donors love this chance to connect, and studies even suggest it can be positive for the child down the line. Imagine the joy of sharing updates and photos as your family grows!

    Semi-Known Donation: Think of semi-known donation as the “Bridge to Connection” option! It offers a middle ground between the openness of known donation and the anonymity of open identity. While you won’t have the same level of direct communication as with known donors, you’ll receive a comprehensive profile and potentially limited contact opportunities, allowing you to learn more about the donor and potentially build a future connection with your child.

    Open Identity Donation: Think of this as the “Future Pen Pal” Option! With open identity donation, the donor agrees for their identity to be revealed to the child born from their donation, typically once they reach a certain age. This allows the child, if they choose, to learn more about their incredible genetic heritage and maybe even connect with their donor someday.

  • What kinds of intended parents do you work with?

    Every family looks different, and every dream deserves a chance to grow. We’re here to help you build the family you’ve always envisioned, regardless of who you love or how you identify.

  • Do egg donors have a say when they are matched?

    At Eggsplore the Possibilities, we go beyond basic matching. We believe in creating connections that feel right for everyone involved. After you express interest in a potential donor, we will contact her to confirm she is available for a cycle. If she agrees, we’ll proceed with the exciting next steps in your family-building journey!

  • How long does the average egg donor cycle take?

    The average egg donation cycle takes around three to four months. We are here to help you plan accordingly and map out the entire timeline.

  • What screening does the agency do on the donor?

    Medical History Review- We schedule a one-on-one call with the egg donor to review their personal and family medical history.
    Background Check- We complete a background check on every egg donor.
    Blood Tests- We have each donor complete an Anti-Mullerian Hormone (AMH) blood test to assess their ovarian reserve marker.

  • Will I be enrolled in an egg donor registry for purposes of medical updates and the possibility of future contact?

    Yes, we require both egg donors and intended parents to register on Donor Sibling Registry. Egg donors, intended parents, and donor offspring can have semi-anonymous contact via the website to share things like medical updates and photos, or even contact half-siblings!

    Check out Donor Sibling Registry for more information!

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