Intended Parents

Welcome to the beginning of the most amazing journey of your life! We are honored to accompany you on this journey, and we are here to help you find the perfect egg donor. The journey may not always be easy, but we can promise it will be worth it!

Your Egg Donation Team

  • An experienced egg donor agency that will facilitate and coordinate your entire process – from A-Z. Your agency is the glue that keeps everything stuck together.
  • A psychologist who is familiar with infertility and third-party reproduction. He or she will help you talk through the feelings you may be having regarding infertility, grief, and your treatment plan.
  • A good quality fertility clinic. They will be your medical team that will coordinate the egg donor retrieval.
  • A strong support system – friends, family, or community that you can lean on during your journey!
  • And finally – your egg donor. Finding the right egg donor can take time. It’s important to find the perfect egg donor, who matches with you and your family.

Why Choose Eggsplore the Possibilities?

We are experts in our field, partnering with doctors and clinics across the country, and strive to educate the world about third-party reproduction, and egg donation.

Our agency spends a great deal of time educating our egg donors on the donation process and working with them to ensure it is easy to see their personalities shining through on their profiles.

Lastly, we are dedicated to implementing meticulous processes and leveraging our expertise to match parents with donors who resonate with their values, preferences, and aspirations.

Yawning baby with parents