Egg Donor Steps

Step 1

The Beginning Steps

Eggsplore the Possibilities of egg donation by answering a few questions to see if you meet the requirements. If you pass the pre-screen, we will kick things off by scheduling a consult to review your medical history, review the donor process, and answer any questions you have. We’ll also send you an order for a blood test at a nearby lab. Next, you’ll work with your coordinator to finalize your profile and create a video.

Step 2

Matching Process

Once you’ve completed all necessary steps, your profile will go live for intended parents to see! Remember, the wait time for your perfect match can vary!! Once you’ve been matched with intended parent(s), the next step will be setting up a Zoom consult for you to meet! We’ll walk you through the medical screening process, which includes a psychological evaluation, fertility testing, and genetic screening.

Step 3

Medical Clearance & Legal Agreement

We’ll walk you through the medical screening process, which includes a psychological evaluation, fertility testing, and genetic screening. Once everything’s complete, your attorney will guide you through the legal agreement to ensure a smooth and informed journey!

Step 4

Cycle Planning

Your coordinator will work with the fertility clinic to plan your cycle; travel time can range from 7-14 days. This phase requires frequent appointments and daily injections for about 2 weeks. The intended parents cover travel expenses for you and a required companion.

Step 5

Egg Retrieval & Recovery

The final step of your egg donation journey is the egg retrieval! This minor surgical procedure is performed under anesthesia to ensure your comfort. You are required to have a companion, and they’ll be there to help care for you after the procedure. You’ll receive your compensation within a few days of your egg retrieval. That means you can focus on comfy couch cuddles and recovery vibes, knowing your reward is on its way!

Step 6

Future Embryo Updates

One of the most rewarding aspects of egg donation is knowing you’ve played a vital role in creating new life! We understand many donors are curious about the next steps. If you’d like, we can provide periodic updates on the embryos created and any potential pregnancy news (with the intended parents’ permission, of course!).